By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena The Lie: God will not forgive me for falling into temptation. The Truth: God promises to forgive me when I confess my mistakes (Romans 8:1; 1 John 1:9). The false belief God will not forgive me for past mistakes and failures is a devastating lie from the enemy designed to separate […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

How to Reject the Lie God Will Not Forgive Me

Woman with a white scarf placed under her tear-filled eyes giving the impression of sadness or shame and believing God will not forgive me

Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Lie: I can’t trust in God’s protection. Truth: I can trust in God’s protection because He promises to strengthen, help, and uphold me (Psalm 91:4; Isaiah 41:10).   In a world filled with uncertainties, risks of disease, and war, many people develop a mindset of self-protection, instead of trusting in God’s protection. […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

I Can’t Trust in God’s Protection

Person sitting on floor with bent knees, head on knees, and hands under knees believing she can't trust in God's protection.

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Is peace during the Christmas season possible now, despite the added activities and busyness? What We See at Christmas Time The Christmas season often involves gift buying, entertaining family and friends, meal preparations, traveling, attending Christmas entertainment venues like The Nutcracker, baking Christmas cookies, decorating, and writing  cards—to name a few […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Is Peace During the Christmas Season Possible Now?


by Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Have you wondered what God says about failure or been burdened with the thought you are a failure? Let’s examine this lie and God’s truth. Lie: I am a failure. Truth: God’s truth is I am a conqueror who can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Romans 8:37; Philippians 4:13). […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

What God Says about Failure

Photo of a man who failed to properly use his ladder and is looking up for answers from God

by Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Lie: I’ll never be happy. Truth: I can ask the Lord to heal my emotional wounds and trust He will give me hope and a future, and I will experience His joy (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 147:3). “Just when I think I’ve found someone who truly understands me, the relationship dissolves. I’m […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Defeating the Lie I’ll Never Be Happy: The Lies We Tell Ourselves Series