By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena and Press Barnhill @PressBarnhill Often, we are unaware of the spiritual effects of abandonment. Have you ever felt you were all alone and could only depend on yourself? Spirits associated with abandonment may be the underlying root of these feelings. Negative influences of shame, fear, control, rebellion, and rejection frequently collaborate […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

Spiritual Effects from Abandonment


By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena One way the enemy gains access in our family lines is through negative ancestral influences. Each blog post in the updated A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences focuses on a specific negative influence and how to heal ancestral wounds step-by-step. Some negative ancestral influences are supernatural forces or spirits that enter family lines. […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How to Heal Ancestral Wounds Step-by-Step


By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Fighting back tears, Linda grabbed my arm. “Why me? I always get taken advantage of. When I had trouble with my computer last week, I received a phone call from a computer company saying they could fix my computer remotely for just $200. I gave them my debit card info and […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does Victimization Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Although I was a Christian, I lived my life feeling unworthy until my early twenties when I encountered a man who spoke to me about the Holy Spirit. Before My Encounter I feared God might not forgive me for my failures. Maybe if I worked hard enough to please Him, I could […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does Unworthiness Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena God created us to be in a relationship with Him and with each other. He ordained marriage as a covenant relationship between a man and a woman. We read in Genesis 2:24 that a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does Ungodly Sexual Activity Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences