by Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena and Press Barnhill @PressBarnhill We are thrilled you are interested in learning how to pray for inner healing—the healing of deep emotional wounds. The Simple Effective Prayer Model After praying with hundreds of people, we were led by the Lord to develop a simple prayer model for those who want to […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Learn How to Pray for Inner Healing

Holding the Bible shows dependence on the Lord in praying for inner healing

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena We can forgive those who have hurt us by following the 8 Steps to Forgiveness approach. Anita’s Story Anita requested a prayer appointment with the healing prayer team at her church. Following introductions and thanking Anita for her willingness to come for prayer and her desire for healing, her prayer team […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

8 Steps to Forgiveness and Freedom


By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Have you ever found yourself thinking or saying, “I don’t feel like forgiving that person”? I know I have. I erroneously believed the people who offended me needed to demonstrate remorse or fix the situation before I would forgive them. They didn’t deserve my forgiveness until they set things right. I […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

When I Don’t Feel Like Forgiving

Kneeling at the cross for help to feel like forgiving

by @BarnhillGena and @PressBarnhill The Lord’s desire is for all His children to receive healing. You, too, can enjoy the freedom He offers by requesting a prayer appointment. If you are interested in receiving inner healing prayer, contact us at to request a Healing Prayer Interview Form. Completing this form and the accompanying consent […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

How do I receive healing prayer?

Tranquil setting to receive healing prayer

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Extending forgiveness to those who hurt us can be one of the most challenging, yet life-changing decisions we make. Nevertheless, the spiritual benefits of forgiveness far outweigh the consequences of withholding it. We hurt ourselves when we hold on to unforgiveness. Jesus said God would forgive us when we extend forgiveness […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

What Are the Spiritual Benefits of Forgiveness?

The Bible tells us the spiritual benefits of forgiveness.