by Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Have you wondered what God says about failure or been burdened with the thought you are a failure? Let’s examine this lie and God’s truth. Lie: I am a failure. Truth: God’s truth is I am a conqueror who can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Romans 8:37; Philippians 4:13). […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

What God Says about Failure

Photo of a man who failed to properly use his ladder and is looking up for answers from God

by Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Lie: I’ll never be happy. Truth: I can ask the Lord to heal my emotional wounds and trust He will give me hope and a future, and I will experience His joy (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 147:3). “Just when I think I’ve found someone who truly understands me, the relationship dissolves. I’m […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Defeating the Lie I’ll Never Be Happy: The Lies We Tell Ourselves Series

by Gena Barnhill @BarmhillGena Lie: I will never be loved. Truth: Nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus who loves me with an everlasting love and heals my emotional wounds (Romans 8:38–39; Jeremiah 31:3). In despair, Sarah poured her heart out to her friend Rebecca. “Why do I feel so […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Have You Believed I’ll Never be Loved? The Lies We Tell Ourselves Series

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Lie: I’m not good enough. Truth: I am good enough because I am in Christ, and Christ dwells in me. My sufficiency is from the Lord, not from me (John 14:20 and 2 Corinthians 3:5). I loved the Lord and worked hard to please Him during my young and middle adult […]

Healing Prayer Ministry

Overcoming the Lie “I’m Not Good Enough” and Embracing How God Sees You: The Lies We Tell Ourselves Series