By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Do you know people who believe they must work harder to gain God’s acceptance and forgiveness for their mistakes? Over forty years ago, that person was me. I believed the enemy’s lie that I needed to perform to gain the Lord’s approval. I did not realize I was working for something […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does a Performance Mindset Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena Any involvement with the occult can allow the enemy to negatively influence us and our families. Sometimes we step into the area of the occult not understanding the possible negative ramifications. Other times, people knowingly seek the occult to gain information about the future or for power and domination. Occult Practices […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Do Occult Spirits Affect Us? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena We are probably all familiar with the expressions green with envy, green-eyed monster, and jealous eye. The expression green-eyed monster, a synonym for jealousy, is hundreds of years old. Sometimes the words jealousy, envy, and coveting are used interchangeably. Other times jealousy is referred to as a more active behavior resulting […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does Jealousy Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena The concept of inherited tendencies is not new to the medical profession. Doctors ask for a history of physical and mental illness in our relatives during initial intake interviews because they know these conditions can impact our current health. We may be predisposed to certain conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does the Spirit of Infirmity Affect Us? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena We all have experienced the emotion of fear at some time in our lives. Fear alerts us to danger so that we can respond by fighting or fleeing. God designed this as a protective mechanism. However, the enemy uses the spirit of fear to keep God’s children in bondage and focused […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How Does Fear Affect Us Spiritually? The A-B-C Series on Ancestral Influences