By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena It is possible to overcome the spirit of fear that works to keep us in bondage. We all have experienced the emotion of fear at some time in our lives. Fear alerts us to danger so that we can respond by fighting or fleeing. God designed this as a protective mechanism. […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How to Overcome the Spirit of Fear

scared woman trying to overcome fear

By Gena Barnhill  @BarnhillGena Pastor and author R. T. Kendall refers to false guilt as a sense of shame we carry in our hearts that God did not place there.1 We can accept false guilt by believing self-condemning thoughts when we don’t meet our expectations or the expectations of others. The enemy, our accuser, also plants lies in […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

Learn How to Release False Guilt

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena and Press Barnhill @PressBarnhill Do you struggle with bound emotions and want to know how to release these trapped emotions? You can release them and experience peace. Bound emotions, sometimes referred to as trapped emotions, can be the result of wounding by parents or other authority figures. Shame can cause suppressed […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

How to Release Trapped Emotions


By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena I grew up thinking the devil and spirits of deception and lying weren’t real. Instead, I assumed they were a fabricated excuse people used to place blame outside themselves when they did something that caused shame or embarrassment. Comedian Flip Wilson reinforced this belief whenever he jokingly said, “The devil made […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

Are Spirits of Deception and Lying Real?

By Gena Barnhill @BarnhillGena You can eliminate stress at Christmas and experience the joy and peace Jesus came to bring us. What We See at Christmas Time The Christmas season can be filled with wonderful memories of happy gatherings, holiday parties, festive decorations, gift-giving, and celebrations. It can also be a stressful time searching for […]

Healing Ancestral Wounds

Peace or Stress at Christmas—Your Choice